Upcoming Festival Schedule
DATE: May 2, 2024. LOCATION: Click here for location details
BLOCK A: 11:15am Thursday May 2, 2024
Another Brick In The Wall (Australia)

Crime Drama
Directed by Dayne Sagor
Written by Dayne Sagor
Cast: Justin Moore, Michael Carman, Danny McGinlay, Maree Barnett, Youssef Sabet, Kevin Dee, Jasper Bagg, Kevin Dee, Daniel Agar, Jackson McGovern, Adam Crettenden
In the rough and tumble of 1980s Melbourne, the Passenger must navigate a conflict with seasoned underworld figure Heath Cox. What starts out as a simple objective alongside his mentor, the Driver, quickly spirals into a bizarre, hilarious and hair-raising series of events that lead the Passenger into a crossroads in his burgeoning criminal career.
Intraocular (USA)

Directed by Kyle Bartholomew Reid
Written by Kyle Bartholomew Reid
Cast: Kyle Bartholomew Reid
Those harmless squiggly lines you see floating inside your eye on a sunny day might just be something more sinister than you thought.
Full Tilt Boogie (USA)

Neo Noir/Crime
Directed by Greg Brooks
Written by Greg Brooks and Vidal Cohen
Cast: Brian D. Mason, Jeremy Gimenez, Samantha Doran, Skip Pipo, Travis Quentin Young, Stellan Knowles
In a world we can only hope doesn't exist, we follow the first few very compromised people who, a year ago, escaped a secret government holding facility for exceptionally, uncontrollably, horrible individuals.
Stendhal (Italy)

Directed by Vincenzo Sepe
Written by Lorenzo Guerri, Vincenzo Sepe
Cast: Luis Molteni, Silvia Spadoni, Jacopo D'Amore
During a robbery, two thieves are kidnapped by the janitor who will turn out to be a psychopathic artist.
Green in Sight (Russian Federation)

Directed by Yura Chalov
Written by Yura Chalov
Cast: Filipp Grabovetsky, Oskar Kuchera, Julia Ilyina, Evgeny Kazantsev, Sergey Maslennikov, David Saakyan, Vyacheslav Shevchenko
The story of two brothers, both special forces operatives. The younger one is eager to fulfil his first "order" and build a career but he is hindered by his older brother. The older brother is going through a life crisis and has decided to resign.
We Will Find You (Spain)

Neo Noir
Directed by Judson Vaughan
Written by Judson Vaughan
Cast: Kevin Stewart (Vampire Academy, Bitter Daises, Serramoura), Emilio Salgado, Tom Vaughan, Judson Vaughan
A man haunted by the murder of his brother searches for the whereabouts of his killer.
Lady In The Lake (Austria)

True Crime/Documentary
Directed by Joseph Fletcher
A documentary exploring the fear and resolve of a small lakeside community in Austria when suitcases full of body parts begin washing up on their shore.
You're On Your Own, Kid (USA)

Directed by Michael Matsui
Written by Michael Matsui
Cast: Sophia Andrews, Heather Lynn, Tom Andrews
Sophia, 9 year old, is pursued by an entity in her home and the terror is experienced from the imaginative perspective of Sophia. An imagination where all of her nightmares come to life, and what normally brings her comfort is personified into horror.
The Ones Who Watch (USA)

Directed by Eli Buie
Written by Eli Buie
Cast: Chris Bell (Pink Pills), Chris Anthony (Chicago P.D.), Sara Young, Carolyn Hoerdemann, Duane Michaels, Alissa Howell
Contemplating suicidal urges leads a man to experience the strange. The strange quickly turns into the horrifying, forcing him to grapple with his rapidly declining mental health.
Malleus (Italy)

Horror/Neo Noir
Directed by Andrés Rafael Zabala
Written by Rosanna Fedele, Andrés Rafael Zabala
Cast: Rosanna Fedele (A Dark Rome), Massimiliano Graziuso, Francesco Polizzi, Giulia Sanna
Bea suffers from head trauma after surviving an attack which killed her husband. As she tries to cope, she slowly sees her house empty as tax collectors come in and out, slowly taking away her and her dead husbands belongings. Ghosts appear who all were murdered by the person who killed Bea's husband and hit her in the head. She struggles to remember until it becomes clear that the murders and taxes are connected and Bea is faced with confronting it.
Voice of Shadows (USA)

Directed by Nicholas Bain
Written by Nicholas Bain
Cast: Guillermo Blanco (Queen of Flow, Bolivar), Bee Vang (Gran Torino), Martin Harris (Stranger Things)
A young man tries to prevent his dark past from repeating itself when his girlfriend inherits an estate where she needs to abide by eccentric stipulations for the deal to go through.
The Box (USA)

Contained Horror/Thriller
Directed by Emanuele Pica
Written by Breige Graven, Luke Ingardia, Jonathan Doyle, William Halfon
Cast: Bryan Scamman, Alice Amter, Chiyeko Jones
CEO Lazer Griffin finds himself trapped in a living nightmare where the only way out of the torture, out of the box, is to accept both his many crimes and his horrific punishment.
#BLUE_WHALE (Russian Federation)

Horror/Found Footage
Directed by Anna Zaytseva
Written by Evgeniya Bogomyakova, Anna Zaytseva, Olga Olga Klemesheva
Cast: Anna Potebnya, Timofey Eletskiy, Diana Shulmina, Olga Pipchenko, Yekaterina Stulova
Rebellious schoolgirl Dana grieves for her younger sister, a once-happy kid who suddenly stepped in front of a train. Desperate to learn what happened, she explores her sister's online history, discovering a sinister social-media game.
Awards Presentation
This season's official awards will be presented at approximately 9:25pm on May 2, 2024.